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  • Programs


    Windsor Park has a long standing tradition of excellence in programming for student learning. Through high expectations of students and faculty, enriched programming, and strong partnerships with parents and our community, we strive to inspire all students to be engaged thinkers and ethical citizens who contribute to their community. Faculty value diversity, and nurture open communication and trust among stakeholders to ensure the success of all students in their learning journey.

    All students at Windsor Park receive quality Music instruction from a qualified specialist. Instruction in French as a Second Language is provided to all grades four to six students. Programming is enhanced through a wide array of experiential learning opportunities, access to new technologies to support the creation and sharing of knowledge, and a wide variety of extracurricular programs.

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    Current Division Students Enrolling for this Academic Year

    For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Windsor Park School is full in planned classes.

    New Registrations for the 2025-2026 School Year


    If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school. Additional documentation will be required for enrolment, including additional address verification documents, and/or documents for students who are not Canadian citizens. Children who are five years of age on or before December 31, 2025 may register in Kindergarten‌ for the 2025-2026 school year beginning February 3, 2025. Learn more about the Kindergarten registration process and important dates and deadlines.

    You will need to pre-enrol on SchoolZone to confirm the school that your child will attend for the 2025-2026 school year. Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment, which opens February 3, 2025 at 8:00 AM and closes on March 19, 2025 at 4:00 PM.

    For the 2025-2026 school year, Windsor Park School is a level 2 school. We can only guarantee space for families who reside within our boundaries. The Windsor Park School boundaries are north of University Avenue, west of 112 Street, and both east and south of Saskatchewan Drive. We will not host an open house for prospective families.

    As outlined in Division regulations, new students accepted to our school during pre-enrolment are:

    1. Resident students who live within the attendance area.
    2. Siblings of current students who will be returning to the school the following year.

    Please refer to EPSB.ca to confirm that your address fits this criteria.

    We will consider pre-enrolment requests of resident students outside of our attendance area in order to balance class numbers provided that there is space. If the number of students who want to attend the school exceeds the available space, new applicants are chosen by random selection.

    If you have questions about registering for school, contact the school office at 780-433-3924 or windsor@epsb.ca

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  • Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    Providing students with the support and opportunities necessary to develop essential leadership skills is an important aspect of their education at Windsor Park School. Through a wide variety of leadership opportunities at all grade levels, students are developing skills in communication, creative problem-solving, responsibility, adaptability, initiative and self-direction, and teamwork, just to name a few. It is our goal to promote a culture of student confidence and empowerment to influence their world in positive ways, unleashing their potential in learning and life.


    A Ubiquitous Approach to Leadership

    At Windsor Park, leadership is addressed at all levels through a ubiquitous approach. Students learn the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People through the Leader in Me process, and apply essential leadership skills to their learning, interactions with others, and daily life outside of school.


    WPTV Broadcasting Studio

    In grades five and six, students have the opportunity to apply for numerous leadership positions through our WPTV Broadcasting Studio. These include the Station Manager, Chief Engineer, News Anchors, Meterologists, Camera Operators, and Studio Engineers.  Students are responsible for reporting our school news live each morning to all classrooms.  Through this incredible leadership opportunity, students learn essential skills such as teamwork, communication, interpersonal, self-direction, work ethic, analytical, technical, organizational and problem-solving skills to name a few.


    PAL (Physical Activity Leaders)

    Throughout the year, all grade six students are scheduled to serve as a PAL during recess times. Through this leadership opportunity, our grade 6 students work with others during recess to engage in physical activity and to facilitate problem-solving as needed.


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  • Athletics



    Running is a great way to stay active, healthy, and to have fun! Windsor Park offers two programs to build student skills for both long and short distance running. Our running clubs practice two times a week in the fall and winter season.


    Cross Country Running Club

    In the fall, athletes train for long distance races. Our Cross Country Running Club participates in the Harrier and Fall Classic Races, and has a history of placing very competitively.


    Relay Running Club

    From January to April, athletes train for relay races. They learn to run on a team, passing the baton amongst team-mates. Our Relay Running Club participates in a variety of races such as the Running Room Games, the Harrier Relay Races, and/or the Klondike Relay races. Windsor Park has a long history of gold and silver medals at these events.


    "We have extremely dedicated and supportive coaches who train both teams. Having these running teams helps build strong bonds between students and school pride."

    - Robin, Grade Six


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  • Clubs & Activities

    Clubs & Activities


    Extracurricular clubs and activities provide students with enriched educational experiences outside of the classroom and open up opportunities for students to persue areas of interest. Windsor Park provides a variety of extracurricular clubs and activities for students over the noon hour each year. Clubs typically include the following:



    Months Active

    The Arts


    5 - 6

    November - December

    Division 1 Choir

    1 - 2

    October - December

    Division 2 Choir

    3 - 6

    October - December



    Cross Country Running Club

    3 - 6

    September - October

    Relay Running Club

    4 - 6

    January - April

    Intramurals for Division 1

    1 - 3

    January - March

    Intramurals for Division 2

    4 - 6

    January - March



    Gardening Club

    2 - 4


    Entrepreneur Club


    October - December

    Division 1 Chess Club

    1- 3

    All Year

    Division 2 Chess Club

    4 - 6

    All Year



    PALS (Physical Activity Leaders)


    All Year

    WPTV Broadcasting Leaders

    5 - 6

    All Year


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  • Partnerships


    University of Alberta

    We have a close relationship with the University of Alberta. Many students and staff at the university support our teaching and learning in diverse ways. We work closely with University professors and their students to support their pre-professional development. Often our students walk to the University to participate in activities such as dance, the arts and science events. Students from the University come and do presentations for our classes. Study Buddies from all faculties volunteer and support teaching and learning at Windsor Park.


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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



Windsor Park is a kindergarten to grade six school with approximately 180 students.  The school serves the Windsor Park community and is a school of choice for many students who live outside of the community boundaries.  The school has a strong partnership with the University of Alberta and provides space for the University and Community Early Learning Centre for children ages two and a half to six.

Windsor Park provides a long standing tradition of excellence in academic achievement. Through high expectations of students and faculty, enriched programming, and strong partnerships with parents and our broader community, we strive to inspire all students to be engaged thinkers and ethical citizens who contribute to their greater community. Faculty value diversity, and nurture open communication and trust among stakeholders to ensure the success of all students in their learning journey.

All students receive Music instruction from a qualified specialist. Instruction in French as a Second Language is provided to all grades four to six students. Programming is enhanced through a wide array of experiental learning opportunities, extensive access to new technologies to support the creation and sharing of knowledge, and a wide variety of extra-curricular programs.