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Lunch & Nutrition




As a service to parents, we provide a Lunch Supervision Program. Students who are able to go home during the lunch hour are encouraged to do so. For those students who choose to stay within the school for the lunch hour, parents/guardians are required to pay a fee for lunch supervision services.


Lunch Program Fees (Grade 1-6)

Lunch Program fees are collected to cover the cost of lunchroom supervisors hired to assist with supervision over the lunch hour.

For the Edmonton Public Schools Board Policy HH.AR Lunch-Time Supervision Service for Elementary and Junior High Students, click here.

Lunchroom fees for grades one to six are $17.70 per student per month or $177.00 per year.  

For those students who only require lunch supervision on an occasional basis we provide Lunch Punch Cards at a cost of $20.00 for 10 stays.

Please note: We accept Visa, MasterCard and Interac for payment of school fees online through SchoolZone. Payment at the school office can be made using cash or cheque only.


Healthy Snack and Lunch Choices

We encourage parents to work with their children in making snack and lunch choices to support healthy development.  Please offer food that meets the 'Choose Most Often' and 'Choose Sometimes' criteria from the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth, found at www.healthyalberta.ca. On behalf of the children in our school with severe peanut and nut product allergies, we thank everyone for refraining from bringing nuts into our school.  


Lunch Program Application

In order to ensure proper staffing for our Lunch Program, parents are asked to complete a Lunch Program Application Form for each child and return it with payment to the attention of the business office no later than September 18. Registration forms will also be available on SchoolZone. Please note that we accept Interac, Visa and MasterCard payments through SchoolZone or cash or cheque in the business office.